If you’ve been paying attention, you may have seen a new look at the beginning of my YouTube videos. I’m excited to announce that I’ve been working all summer to rebrand Run N Gun Photography.
During the summer of 2020, I commissioned a ridiculously talented graphic designer, Dennis Hoffman, to take a stab at a new logo. After a year or two of trying it on my own, I really wanted to leave it to a pro, and see their concepts. Some of the themes I wanted to come across were: clean, minimal, easily recognizable, embody the “run and gun” style and of course, look great on stuff like Stickers and T-Shirts!

The definition of run and gun is: A fast, freewheeling style of play or shoot in Photography. Be able to react promptly, effectively and productively when on a photo assignment, and may lack the proper tools.
I think even UrbanDictionary, where I pulled the image above from, was on-point with the style and vibe I like to portray on my channel and with the RunNGun Photography brand in general.
It really emphasizes Talent and Expertise over Camera Gear. By no means is it bad to have the latest and greatest gear, but at the end of the day, it’s the Photographer — not the gear — that makes the photograph.

So if you see some new looks on therunngun.com or on the RunNGun YouTube channel, don’t worry! We’re still the same brand you’ve been following, we just have a renewed look and motivation to bring you awesome run-and-gun style photography content.
If you’d like to support the Channel & Blog, AND get some ridiculously cool merch, check our our Teespring Store!