Lightroom Magic: Beginner’s RAW Editing Simplified!

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Introduction: RAW Photo Editing

We’re unlocking the power of your RAW photos in Adobe Lightroom Classic with this comprehensive editing tutorial, designed with beginners in mind. In this lesson, we are discover why shooting in RAW is essential for maximizing your photo editing potential. If you’re new to Lightroom, you’re in the right place!

Join me as I take a step-by-step approach in this beginner-friendly Lightroom tutorial, guiding you through the development process of RAW images for more impactful and professional final results.

RAW Photo Editing in Lightroom: Beginners Guide

Why Shoot RAW?

Why do I recommend photographers shoot RAW? RAW files retain all the data captured by your camera when you pressed the shutter button. This ensures the most flexibility in post-processing, unlike JPEGs which throw away data critical to editing your photograph. Similar to the development of traditional film, RAW images require a bit of refinement to transform them into the final, beautiful photographs you’ll want to hang up on your wall, or share with friends and family.

If you’d like to go even more in depth with this topic, be sure to watch my lesson on RAW vs. JPEG: What’s the Difference?.

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RAW Editing in Lightroom for Beginners: Final Thoughts

As you can now see, RAW files hold an incredible amount of data. Using RAW is not considered cheating by any means, just as developing film in the darkroom wasn’t cheating in the early days of photography. That’s because we are simply using ALL of the light data our camera captured, instead of throwing most of it away by shooting JPEG.

Additionally, it’s important to remember subtly when editing your RAW photos. As a beginner in Lightroom, it’s easy to go wild with edits, but with great power comes great responsibility… Thanks for that very applicable quote, Uncle Ben! So, the less your audience realizes your image has been edited, the better the edit is!

If you enjoyed this Lightroom RAW Editing Lesson for Beginners, please subscribe to the Blog below and consider Subscribing to my Run N Gun Photography YouTube Channel as well!